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A Lifeline For Gaza The Rafah Border Crossing

A Lifeline for Gaza: The Rafah Border Crossing

A Gateway to Hope

The Rafah Border Crossing, known in Arabic as Ma`bar Rafaḥ, is the only crossing point between Egypt and Palestine's Gaza Strip.

A Strategic Passage

Located at the southernmost point of Gaza, the Rafah crossing borders Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. It has been dubbed the "last hope" for Gazans seeking escape as Israeli airstrikes continue.

Israel's Control

Israel controls all other crossings into Gaza. Following the election of Hamas in October 2007, Israel closed its crossings with the territory.

A Critical Lifeline

The Rafah crossing remains the only Gazan border crossing not controlled by Israel. As bombs rain down, it offers a glimmer of hope for escape and the movement of humanitarian aid.

Recent Developments

The Israeli military has seized control of the Gaza Strip side of the Rafah border, further complicating the situation for Gazans seeking to leave the territory.
